Things To Do NOW If Divorce Is Coming
- Make an appointment with a divorce attorney NOW. Learn what your rights are and what you can do to protect yourself. Hire an attorney with experience.
- Copy all financial documents including credit card statements, car titles and registrations, tax returns, IRA statements, brokerage accounts, mutual funds, 401k, pension, retirement, and bank accounts.
- Video the contents of the home, room to room, showing all furniture and assets.
- Put some cash aside. Go to the bank and take one-half of all monies in all accounts and transfer into an account just in your name with a different bank. You will need this money to pay some bills and to hire an attorney.
- Get a new e-mail account with a new password. The password needs to be something that cannot be easily guessed by your spouse. If your telephone is linked to your spouses telephone, change your phone to a separate account.